Be passionate, and enthusiastic, in the direction you choose in life... and you'll be a winner! -Steve Irwin

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

WILD 101 Wilderness Class

Wild 101: A full day class all about “what to do if you’re lost in the wild“.

The location for this will be at Sandy Point State Forest. Sandy point road is off of RT 30 and just a few miles southeast of King William Co. court house. (on the left if you’re heading towards West Point) Follow Sandy Point road all the way to the end and we’ll meet you there in the parking lot. Please contact me at the email below if you need further directions.

Meeting at 10am at S.P. Be sure to pack a lunch you can throw in a daypack and bring water for each member of your family. Be sure and dress for the day’s temperature, being cold is a choice. Hiking boots would be a good idea as we may encounter rough terrain and possible muddy conditions. We’ll be back at the parking area about 4pm.

What does this class cover?
- the basics every person should know about being lost. Topics covered throughout the day are: coming to terms with being lost and dealing with panic, what to do to better your chances of being found, finding drinking water, primitive land navigation techniques, primitive shelter building, and finally - self rescue!

This is knowledge that could very well save someone’s life one day and I encourage everyone to arrive with an open mind and ready to learn. Of course we’ll have fun during the day too! Please only bring normal day hiking gear (extra jacket, snacks, lunch, water) and leave the knives, rope, compass, maps, and survival kit at home, since your not likely to have any of those items if you are in fact lost.

The cost for this class is free, the lessons learned could prove to be priceless. My goal with this class is to ensure our kids, family, or friends never get ‘truly’ lost when we’re out adventuring, whether it be out with the club on top a distant mountain or in the woods behind your house. There is no limit on class size for this, all are welcome.

Thanks for you participation as always.

Your fellow adventurer,
Doug Robinson

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