Be passionate, and enthusiastic, in the direction you choose in life... and you'll be a winner! -Steve Irwin

Friday, January 13, 2012

New Rafting Trip Planned for 2012

I'm excited to announce a brand new rafting trip scheduled for September of 2012! The Lower Gauley River, during Gauley Season.
In the world of rafting, the Gauley River in West Virginia holds the number 5 spot on a long list of the biggest, hardest hitting, most technical, single day journey, heart-pounding runs in the entire world. The Gauley itself would then be split into two sections; the upper and lower. The Upper Gauley gets all the thunder due to it's spectacular class 5+ rapids. However, the Lower Gauley is not far behind.
I like to think of the lower section as the "little brother"... with spunk. For you Upper Gauley veterans out there that may consider this a cake walk - you still must stay focused on the rapids of the Lower Gauley. Long rollercoaster wave trains such as Upper and Lower Stairstep, big holes such as Backender and Hell Hole, and boulder gardens like those at Upper Mash will keep even the most accomplished rafters on their toes.
So get ready, get excited, for a great run this fall as we return to the world famous Gauley River!
Please visit WildXpeditions for more info on this trip, see you there!



  2. I can't wait! And a new run for us as well.
