Be passionate, and enthusiastic, in the direction you choose in life... and you'll be a winner! -Steve Irwin

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Author's Quest

“I believe the best way to win your children’s admiration is to simply do things with them, often. It doesn’t even matter how you do it, just spending time together is all that’s really important. Now take that and add in some adventure, well… now we’re on to something special!”

It is more important than ever that we give our kids as much knowledge as possible before they go out and face this unpredictable world. Times have changed dramatically since our parents let us roam from dawn ‘til dusk, and if we want our kids to listen to what we need to say, then we’re going to have to get creative.

I’ll admit it, I didn’t do a very good job at listening to my parents when I was young. In fact, all I wanted to do was have fun and it seemed to me that all my parents wanted was for me NOT to have fun. It was just that simple when I was a kid. Of course I know better now, but if my mom and dad would have taken me on various adventures all the time, and had those important talks with me while we were on an awesome adventure then I would have probably listened a lot better. At least, that’s my theory. It’s a theory I am putting to the test right now with my own children!

My name is Doug Robinson, author of this Blog, and I’d like very much to share with you my journey through the Family Adventure Zone. I have many passions in life, the biggest by far are my three children. I would do anything for my family, just like most of you. I don’t dare sit here now and tell you that my way of parenting is in any way superior to any of yours, I’m just sharing my ways in hopes that any success I may find can be utilized by all of you.

I’m sure there are actually many ways to achieve a close family bond, this is just my way of doing it using the tools at my disposal. So please, enjoy reading all about our family adventures, and outings, and lessons we learn along the way. Thank you!

Doug Robinson

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