Be passionate, and enthusiastic, in the direction you choose in life... and you'll be a winner! -Steve Irwin

Monday, January 10, 2011

Never too late to start

If it’s adventure you seek, then I know how you feel. I spend countless hours researching locations, scouting, and talking to all the right people just to be able to plan out the most enjoyable trip a group could ever have. I do this simply because I love it! My reward comes from the satisfaction of others, especially my family. There is no better legacy than one made up of great memories! Already I know my kids will look back with great joy on the adventures we’ve been through together, and we’re just getting started. If anyone were to ever ask me for advice on fatherhood, I’d simply tell them just be there, be active, and be patient and strong. It’s never too late to start, now get out there and have some fun, make some memories together today.

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